My first team for Zona Alfa

I found out about Zona Alfa online, before the release and was hooked straight away. It was obvious for me that this was going to be something. I ordered some new miniatures from Empress Miniatures. Getting a copy at Google Books the same day as it was released, but then the same evening my everyday life changed in a big way and suddenly no hobbies seemed interesting any more…

After a while, I forced myself to paint a team and try the game. “Radikovs Emergency Gas Service” now played six games. And it have been amazing.

The team members is:

  • Didas, a harden sniper with a Dragunov SVD
  • New One, a rookie that don’t really manage to do anything
  • Mech, the team mechanic armed with a RPK
  • Radikov, leader of the pack with a ak74 armed with a 40mm grenade launcher
  • Sneakof, Bone doc and Scrounger. Also armed with a RPK

All miniatures are from Empress Miniatures.

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